Monday, December 14, 2009

A Day Late

I am a day late in adding my next exercise but here it is:

Pelvic Bowls:

Lie down on a mat or carpeted area facing up (supine) with knees bent and feet flat on the floor-feet and knees are hip distance apart.

Make a triangle with your thumbs and pointer fingers, lay the heels of the hands on your hip bones (asis) and the tips of your fingers on your pubic bone.

Tuck your pelvis and rock back pressing your spine against the mat as you exhale, imprinting the vertebra. Now reverse the movement arching your back and pointing the tailbone to the floor as you inhale.

Keeping the breaths slow and controlled continue to imprint the spine on the exhale and arch the back on the inhale about 8-10 times.

Now, make the movement less dramatic and slowly shrink the range of motion until your hands are parallel to the floor and your asis bones are level with the pubic bone. This will be YOUR "neutral spine" position. This degree of arch will vary in each person, you should be able to slide just the tips of your fingers under the low back.

The importance of this exercise is to get the feeling of YOUR "neutral spine" and be able to move into and out of it as you change exercises and even in the flow and progression of a single exercise.

Please continue to practice the BREATHING and focus into the low ribcage with a lateral (out to sides) and posterior (to the back) opening. Keep the abdominal wall tight, chest and shoulders down/relaxed. Face and neck should be relaxed and the exhale through the mouth is either with pierced lips or a relaxed mouth... JUST BREATHE!!!

Let me know if you are having success with this or just not interested! Share the journey with a friend or family member; doing it with someone else helps keep you motivated and accountable!

Love and Hugs

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


My friend Amanda, without knowing it, has inspired me to try something new. I think this is something that my friends and family and hopefully people I don't know, yet, will be able to benefit from.

I'd like to start with the basics of Pilates, give you one move per week to try and perfect, and hopefully become addicted to the benefits as I have.

If you don't know me, please be aware that I am AFAA certified in primary fitness and PMI certified in Pilates mat and apparatus. I've been instructing group fitness and private lessons since 2002. Also as a disclaimer this is not a replacement for medical treatment.

This week of December 6th (gonna try to do this every Sunday), let's just start with the breathing.

BREATHING: No it's not just breathing, it's specific and serves a purpose in the movements as well as keeping oxygen in the system and the body relaxed.

You can stand, sit or lie down for this and you can do it anytime. It's even gonna be a good little tool to help you through the crazy Holiday Season.

Hold your hand around your low ribcage, if you can wrap your thumbs around the sides you can do that or just lay the hands flat. Now take a slow deep breaths in through your nose and focus the air going into the low ribs and a little into your low back. Keep breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth and now focus a little on your abdomin staying tight and your chest and shoulders relaxed.

This may be easy for you to master, but keep practicing it and as you add movement to it, it may get a little more challenging and then a feeling of great accomplishment to master the breath and master your stress.

Exercise isn't easy or everyone would be doing it. Pilates is like starting a new job, it's a lot to take in at first but then one day it just all comes together. The biggest step in exercise, in my opinion, is just getting your clothes and shoes on and getting into that starting position. (if you go to a gym, I think getting there is the hardest part)

Good luck and just try it! Ask questions and give me feedback.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Please take a LOOK!

Welcome once again to my new little project. I am so thankful you took the time to check out what's new in my little bubble- ha!

I want to invite you to view the link off to the side titled "The Girl Effect". If you have a daughter or a sister or a wife or if you are a woman, you must see this. It was brought to my attention after viewing the Oprah Show today and listening to stories told by co-authors Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. Their book is titled Half the Sky, and I plan to read it as soon as I can get my hands on it.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving was so beautiful! My in-laws put on a beautiful spread and it was great to visit with everyone and see how great they all looked, dressed up and so smiley.

I tried to blog yesterday and I kind of stopped to get Peyton in the bath, then started doing a little house work and by the time I had a minute to get back to it, it was late and I figured I had just better move on. It was going to be about Black Friday, which I didn't participate in, but thought it would be fun to chat about! My friend Carol found the best deal of the day at Danskin Outlet in Draper, they are going out of business and the one day everything in the store was $.99. VF Factory is like a ghost town now- sad.

My parents also hosted Thanksgiving dinner and it's always so nice to be "home". My brother Michael was in town with his family and we had a really nice, mellow visit. I was able to visit my Aunt and Uncle who also live in Sandy and get a big hug from my cousin Steve and little Sammie!

So if you want to see some really cute kids, link to my brother and sister-in-law's blog, which can be found on the side there under Josh and Lori. Lori is a great photographer and was so sweet to take some shots on Thanksgiving. Thanks Lori!

That's all for now, I'm on my way to watch the BYU/Utah game at Kathy and Kirk's in Cedar Hills.

For Kirk and Steve, RISE AND SHOUT!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Welcome and Thank You

I just want to take a quick minute to welcome those who actually know and care that I have a blog now! I've told several people, but only a few actually have cared and asked for the site. Thank you for being my friend, I mean my TRUE friend! I don't have many, nor do I really have time to have many friends I'm a mom first, but for those who are there for me through thick and thin, THANK YOU!

I want to send a special shout out to my sis-in-law, Kristen, who helped me get this thing going in record time!!!! Also, to my other sister-in-law, Karyn, who thought up this darling name for the blog.

There are so many people who are dear to me and if you keep following you too will have the opportunity to get to know them.

Trish, Kristi and Jen... you ROCK and I'm so excited for what's to come and I THANK YOU for putting your faith in me that I can help build your dream..... our dream of helping GET AMERICA MOVING and LIVE the LIFE!

More to come.